6 Hours in Pnom Penh

By Sugar

This is the second part of our Siem Reap – Pnom Penh – Ho Chi Minh journey.

Siem Reap to Pnom Penh

We took Giant Ibis bus from Siem Reap to Pnom Penh. So as to maximize our time in Siem Reap, we departed midnight. The downsides were we couldn’t appreciate the countryside view because it was dark, and we couldn’t enjoy the free Wi-Fi connection because we had to sleep. It was a comfortable and good night sleep.  The bus has bunk beds, instead of the regular seats. Worry not of possible smelly shoes as footwear is not allowed in the bus. They were collected when we hopped inside. Small pillow, blanket and bottled water were provided. For me, the best thing was seeing the electric outlets. So our mobile phones were charging during the entire trip.


5:30 am – Arrival at Pnom Penh
6:00 am – Breakfast at a hotel restaurant beside the Giant Ibis office, which opens at 7. We waited because we had to leave our luggage. Due to time limit, we availed transportation tour package offered to us by one of the tuk-tuk drivers.
7:30 am – After bargaining, we started our city tour by tuk-tuk.
8:15 am – The Killing Fields (The Choeung Ek Genocidal Center)

Memorial Stupa where the remains of the million victims were preserved

As I was listening to the audio tour and walking from one stop to another, I had goose bumps the entire time and my heart was breaking. I have never felt saddened with such a history until I came here.

10:00 am – S-21 Prison (Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum)

The only decent photo I got. You will really get the feel of it once you start the audio tour.

Just when I thought my heart was broken into two, upon learning the secret prison during the Khmer Rouge where people were tortured to death I just felt them torn into pieces.  These prisoners were then taken to the killing fields where they were executed and buried in  mass graves.

These two sites are a must visit when in Pnom Penh!

When we left the museum, the traffic was already bad. So we just dropped by the Royal Palace for a quick photo shoot on our way back to the bus terminal.  We also had lunch nearby.

By noon, we boarded and left for Ho Chi Minh.

With love,


By Sugar

Filipino. Believer of Islam. Mother of three teens. Wife. Internist. Loves to travel. Loves everything about being a woman. Always willing to embrace new lessons.

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